Eye Tumors: Medical-Legal Testimony

posted in: Ocular Surgery

Tumors of the eye may involve the front of the eye (conjunctiva, iris, ciliary body) or back of the eye (retina, choroid, optic nerve).  Tumors of the eye may originate from eye tissue (primary ocular tumors) or from sites outside of the eye (metastatic tumors).  The most common origin for metastatic tumors include breast and lung.  When feasible, primary tumors are usually treated by excision and radiation.

Cases in Point

Dr. Reynard was retained as an expert to evaluate visual disability in a patient with lung cancer that spread to the eye.

Dr. Reynard has published a paper in the American Journal of Ophthalmology regarding breast cancer in men with metastasis to the eye.

Dr. Reynard has published a paper in the Annals of Ophthalmology regarding metastasis of a head and neck tumor to the eye.

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